Getting your CV in order is an essential step to improving your job-hunting skills and getting hired for your dream role.
On average it takes recruiters only 6 seconds after viewing a CV to decide whether you are a suitable fit or not for the role in question. This provides no room for error for the job seeker who is already competing in a pool full of skilled candidates applying for the same position within the healthcare industry.
Your CV is the first point of contact between you and a recruiter and it is vital that you are able to meet their expectations for the ideal candidate for the job on offer. Taking the necessary time to layout your CV in a desirable fashion that is tailored for the job you are searching for will go a long way to getting you to the next stage of securing your next healthcare role.
10 ways that you can improve your CV
1. Value your CV
Your CV is a personal reflection of you, so make sure you take the time required to streamline all aspects of your CV to improve your chances of finding your next job in healthcare.
Ensuring that you are not careless with your CV and sending it everywhere and anywhere improves the value of your CV to a recruiter and highlights your serious aspirations for a particular job.
2. Be 100% honest
To improve your CV, make sure you stick to the facts and be as accurate as possible with the information that you are providing to the recruiter.
Honesty is a major factor for recruiters, ensuring that a candidate is honest about his/her work and credentials helps to build a trusting relationship from the start.
3. Outline all relevant qualifications/experience
Highlighting your skills that are useful to a business is a very important aspect of improving CV. Companies often search for a specific profile type and outlining your relevant experience or qualifications helps to qualify you for the role over other candidates.
All healthcare positions tend to include specific duties and responsibilities so if you have experience in these, let your recruiter know!
4. Tailor it to the role
Your CV aims to help you stand out in the mind of the recruiter as someone who perfectly “fits the bill” for the role in question. Recruiters go through thousands of CVs and if yours is generic, it will go straight to the “No” pile.
It is important to tailor your CV for the exact role you are applying for to highlight your interest and suitability for your next healthcare opportunity.
5. Make use of keywords/buzzwords
Buzzwords are a critical component to helping your CV stand out.
If the keywords included in your CV match the ones given in a job ad, your chances of getting an interview dramatically increase.
Recruiters often use software programs to filter CVs which means ensuring the words used in your CV are related to a specific job is imperative.
6. Keep it Short
Keeping your CV short and concise will benefit both you and the recruiter. Sticking to the traditional 2-page limit is a good marker and is more than possible when you cut out any waffle that clutters the CV.
Some CVs will be longer depending on the role and level of position however, keeping it short and sweet is a good rule of thumb.
7. Ensure accuracy
When writing your CV, it is highly important that you are cautious of your spelling and use of grammar.
You may have all the skills and healthcare qualifications necessary for the job in question but sloppy grammar mistakes on your CV may cost you the opportunity of a new job with 59% of recruiters rejecting CVS due to poor grammar or spelling.
8. Include interests and hobbies
Including interests and hobbies is another way to improve your suitability for a role.
For example, someone who has played team sports shows the ability to work in a team along with traits such as dedication and determination which are always valued in an organisation.
It also gives the employer the chance to understand your personality and help judge your potential fit for the company.
9. Keep your CV in the correct order
CVs generally follow a fixed flow of your name, contact details, your opening statement, followed by your experience, education, skills/interests, and your references.
This is a good layout to follow however it may change depending on the specifics of the job as some healthcare jobs are more focused on previous experience and others on current qualifications.
10. Include a Cover Letter
A common mistake that job seekers make is forgetting to include a cover letter when submitting their CV.
A personal statement helps a company to quickly identify your strengths and suitability to a role as well as develop an understanding of your personality.
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